Funkmaster Flex fights paying more child support

In New York court papers, legendary hip-hop DJ Funkmaster Flex says that he does not believe that he should have to make bigger child support payments to cover expenses that he claims are not necessary. His ex-girlfriend is taking the DJ to court to attempt to increase the amount of child support.
In 2003, the DJ was ordered to pay child support for the former couple’s son of $4,000 per month. The amount was based on his income at the time of $245,000. Flex works as a DJ on a hip-hop radio station and as a host on an MTV show that is named after him. His current income is $373,000 per year, according to the court documents that were filed on Jan. 16.
The mother of Flex’s child is 43 years old and from Plainfield, New Jersey. She filed for the increase in child maintenance to help pay for the former couple’s 12-year-old’s tuition for private school and summer camp. The mother also asked for the increase to cover the youth’s math and language tutoring and swim team expenses. Flex responded to the complaint by claiming that expenses like swimming are not needs. Additionally, he stated that the summer camp costs $8,000 and he believes it is not necessary to have this expense paid for by him. The mother’s attorney responded by claiming that every child deserves to receive the same type of support that is equal to the lifestyle that his father has.
If a custodial parent has an existing child support order, he or she may seek to have the order modified if there has been a significant increase in one of the parent’s income or the expenses of the child. Through such a course of action, the parent can ask the court to consider additional factors to modify the order.
Source: New York Post, “DJ Funkmaster Flex battles ex over child support“, Julia Marsh, January 21, 2014