Just a brief note to thank you very much for suggesting that I come in to see you earlier today, for the suggestions you made, and for being the fine ‘mench’ that you are!

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Just a brief note to thank you very much for suggesting that I come in to see you earlier today, for the suggestions you made, and for being the fine ‘mench’ that you are!
Steve Mandel is a gem. In a world where “lawyer” is sometimes used as a dirty word Steve Mandel stands out as an individual whose compassion, warmth and no-nonsense approach makes him the winning solution to any situation. His insights and tenacity are always compelling; the hallmarks of a successful leader. Steve Mandel is cut from the cloth of men who forged big ideas and never shied away from a good battle. Think of Theodore Roosevelt, Elihu Root and J.P. Morgan who said “I don’t need a lawyer to tell me what I can or cannot do. I need him to tell me how to do what I want to do.” In these interesting times, we need more people with the confidence to think this way. Steve Mandel is one of those people.
Your understanding and patience was greatly appreciated. The decision to divorce or not to divorce was made less complicated by your expertise and recommendations. Hopefully my marriage will continue to heal and if not, I know I can count on your counsel.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to you. The past YEARS have been very trying and when I felt there was no way out to settle my affairs in family court you took my case. Your attention, assertiveness, and knowledge of the ever so confusing judicial system were displayed in the way you executed my defense. Your court room manner and persistence of presenting the “actual facts” was astonishing. I really thought that the commissioner of Social Services would not back down but your argument was strong and your experience and negotiation skills could not be challenged that day! After thousands of dollars, years of my life and court appearance too numerous to remember you ARE THE ONLY ONE THAT GOT ME ANY RESULTS! On that note, may I add that I would recommend YOU to represent the people dearest to me in the future…JOB WELL DONE.
I cannot thank you enough for reuniting me with my daughter. This case seemed hopeless when you took it over, but you pulled a couple of rabbits from your hat and turned it all around. You and your staff were very patient and polite with me even, when I was a little overwhelmed. I trust we will work together again in the future.
I love that you know how to fix problems!
I feel so grateful to have found you…you are a true defender of justice. Thank you for allowing me to get started on a more peaceful life with my daughter. I will never forget May 9 and everything we accomplished then. I really felt like we were a team. What’s also wonderful about you is that, in spite of having so many clients to defend and protect, you make everyone feel as if they’re the only one. You are the perfect combination of skill and dedication. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU- and the entire Law Firm of Steven J. Mandel- for such caring attention to my case. We have only just begun, but what an amazing start.