You were about to file for divorce and BOOM – We are in a midst of a global pandemic

You did your due diligence, met with various attorneys, finally got the courage to take the final step and retain an attorney to file for divorce, and……now you are stuck quarantining 24/7 with the person that you wanted to get unstuck from in the midst of a global pandemic.
To say this did not go as planned, is certainly an understatement. The best thing you can do during the global pandemic for your own sanity is change your mindset. Our mind is a powerful tool and if used correctly will help you immensely.
Don’t think of this as a disruption of your plan but rather as a chance to analyze, educate and prepare yourself for the divorce process.
A lot of the time, when someone makes the difficult decision of filing for divorce, they are running on emotion and just want to fast-track the process without putting the thought into the preparation that is needed for a successful outcome.
Knowledge is power and the more that you know with regards to your finances, your spouse’s finances, your lifestyle, etc. Puts you in a stronger negotiating position.
Take this time to reset, take this time for yourself, take this time for self-care; meditate, put on a face mask, exercise, dance, listen to music, binge on Netflix, contemplate what happened to Carol Baskin’s husband, focus on anything that will ease your anxiety. We are all dealing with an uncertain future and adding divorce anxiety to the mix is not easy. Remember this global pandemic is temporary and we all deserve to be happy. Your road to happiness may have to wait till the Courts reopen but when they do, you will be prepared for the journey ahead.