Preparing for a new future after divorce
Divorce is an unfortunate reality for many people. And, if it happens during a holiday, it can stir a lot of different emotions. While there is the potential of meeting old friends who can give support at such a difficult time, there is also a possibility of meeting co-workers who are not aware of the fact that the person is getting divorced. This is a reality for many people in the United States, including people in New York.
One of the best ways to handle a divorce during the holiday season is to get the message across regarding how you are feeling before the holidays begin. Sometimes, people may not be sure about what to say, particularly if they are aware that your marriage was in trouble, so it is better to communicate first. It is better to set the tone so that people do not feel awkward when they see the divorcing person. It is, however, probably not a good idea to use humor when discussing the divorce because it may be considered awkward and it will make the other person uncomfortable.
A person may decide to stop wearing the wedding ring, but that person may wish to replace it with another piece of jewelry. A divorce party may be a fun event. You can then take the opportunity to thank your friends for being with you through the difficult times. If you are finding it difficult to see people at such a difficult time, it may be a good idea to go on a hike. You may also wish to go to a spa for a pampering session.
Above all, stick to your budget. Everyone spends more money during the holidays. It is important to be careful not to overspend. The person should always keep in mind that life does not come to an end after a divorce.
Source: Forbes, “It Can Still Be The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year — Even If You’re Divorcing,” Jeff Landers, Nov. 18, 2014