Five Ways to De-Stress During COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Our world is hurting. This viral pandemic has infected more than one million individuals and has taken more than 60,000 lives. Unemployment has skyrocketed in the United States. Our world is hurting but we can still lead with kindness, compassion and common sense. Finding innovative ways to de-stress can be key to maintaining your sanity through this.
We must take care of ourselves by making our mental and physical health a priority during this time. We must take care of our friends, employees, and loved ones. Here are some tips to do just that:
Limit your news consumption
We must stay informed but we must be cognizant of how we are being informed. Limit your news intake to something that you are comfortable with and choose your news source wisely. Pick a credible source with the most neutral political views. Take a social media break if it begins to trigger anxiety.
Stay connected
In the age of social distancing, we must still stay connected to our loved ones. Now is the best time to utilize modern technology. We can also write letters, drop off care packages to our loved ones and help our neighbors if we can. Think outside the box to stay connected.
Read, Learn to Cook, or Pick Up a New Hobby
Now is a great time to pick up some new books, try your hand at cooking or pick up a new hobby. There are many free online tutorials and classes to help you succeed at any new creative task you decide to master!
Physical Activity
Exercise is one of the best stress relievers and a necessary outlet to keep our physical bodies and minds healthy (and sane). Although gyms and fitness studios are closed, many are using social media platforms to offer free workouts with little to no equipment.
Foster A Pet
Fostering a pet is not only a great way de-stress with a furry companion, it also reduces the massive burden the local animal shelters are experiencing at this time. Fostering a pet can give you a sense of comfort, companionship and responsibility. There is no better way to calm your nerves than cuddling a cat or dog!