Use an app to track New York child support costs

An innovative new app has been developed to keep a list of expenses paid out in support of a child’s lifestyle. The app works for anyone who has bills to pay related to a child support. This includes both the parent ordered to pay monthly support and the parent who receives the support but has other incidental costs.
In some divorces, the couple separates amicably and agrees on issues like child custody and child support. This doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be easy to keep good records of what expenses are paid by each parent throughout the child’s lifetime. In fact, many people don’t keep track at all. If a couple has a difficult time agreeing, it becomes even more important.
The future could hold a change of heart by one or both parents and it isn’t unreasonable to believe that they could, indeed, wind up in court to settle on new arrangements. Things change as life takes its course. A parent may remarry, move out of state or the country with the children, lose a job or gain a significant windfall. Any number of variables is possible and might require an adjustment to the original support order. Having a detailed record of what has been paid for is helpful if a new court date ever arises.
When a parent falls behind on payments, child support enforcement activities can be expected to follow. If a paying parent has contributed to the child’s needs and feels that there is an unfair support order in place, it helps to have a specific list of dates and amounts that have been paid out. It’s also important for the custodial parent to keep a good list of what it costs to support the child on a day-to-day basis.
Source: Fast Company, “Supportpay Aims to Take Headaches Out of Child Support and Family Finances“, David Zax, February 18, 2014